Sunday, February 15, 2009

  Edgar Sawtelle, Question #3: Claude's Perspective

Why do you think that we hear nothing from Claude's point of view until the final few chapters of the novel? Does his perspective make you see him differently?


Astarte said...

His perspective did make me see him differently. I actually felt some empathy for him, because he seemed plagued himself. His demons owned him, and his thoughts on the bottle of poison before he injected Edgar were very telling. He didn't even really think about it, other than to think of how he wanted to stay away from the awful stuff, but yet there he was, sucked in again by the power contained in that tiny bottle.

I think he wasn't made a major 'thought character' until later in the book because it would have spoiled the mystery of what had really happened.

Chantal said...

I didn't feel much empathy for Claude. He seemed so calculated. The way that he talked to Glen and manipulated him. It made me very angry.

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