Monday, December 8, 2008

  Serena: A Novel Question #4

Why is Serena so determined to kill Rachel?


Astarte said...

Rachel was the wild card, and Serena was determined to control all aspects of her environment. She saw Rachel as the only threat to Pemberton's attentions. Everything in her life had to be hers, and not shared with anyone. Also, Rachel was the antithesis of Serena, the good (creator) versus the evil (destroyer) that was Serena.

Kristi said...

I agree with you. Especially about Rachel being the antithesis of Serena. Rachel was everything that Serena wasn't.

Plus, Rachel gives the reason that she could give Pemberton the one thing Serena couldn't. A son. I think that Serena's ego couldn't handle someone being "better" or able to take attention away from her. She wanted to be the best. The most powerful.

Chantal said...

She most definitely wanted to control everything and Rachel stood in her way. When Pemberton killed Rachels father Serena probably thought that would spell the end of Rachel. But Rachel proved herself to be strong and resourceful. As much so as Serena I think. Only she was the good (just like you guys said, the Antithesis). Serena saw that as a threat.

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