Monday, May 4, 2009

  Book Thief Discussion Question #3- Thievery

Leisel's thievery of books throughout the novel can be seen as a euphanism for stealing for one's life; Leisel's books enable her survival, both mentally and, during the bombing, when her love of the written word saves her life. Think of other ways that the characters steal pieces of life from the death around them in order to make lives for themselves.


Astarte said...

Another important piece of thievery for the soul that happened was Hans' playing of his accordian. It wasn't perfect, but it kept their family going, and was one small joy that Hans could steal from the very mouth of death. Even in the passing of his comrade from the war, the friend's music lived on through Hans' fingers. Hans stole those tunes back from death to feed his and his families souls even as death was all around them. It was a joy that he took in a time where almost no joy was allowed, a defiance in the face of a nightmare.

Chantal said...

Your description of it is beautiful.

AndreAnna said...

Rudy steals glory but doesn't want it so he gives it back.

And your description of Hans is awesome.

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