Monday, May 4, 2009

  Book Thief Discussion Question #1- Bravery

All of the characters in this novel display tremendous bravery in the face of terrible situations. Pick one that was particularly meaningful to you and discuss.


Astarte said...

I guess I would have to go with Max's bravery in his determiniation to survive. He stayed hidden for years of his life in little more than a hole, and then left the house, knowing full well what was probably to become of him. Even his return to the town after the was was incredibly brave, because I can only imagine the horror and pain his return must have brought back to him.

Kristi said...

I think I'd go with Rosa and Hans Hubermann's bravery by giving a home to 2 people who needed it the most. First with taking in Leisel as their foster child, and then hiding Max in their basement to protect him from the Nazis. Rosa and Hans struggled more and went with less to provide for both of them. Sometimes it takes a lot of bravery to do the right thing.

Chantal said...

It is such a hard question. Each character was so brave. I guess since you both covered different people I will chose Leisel. She was so young to be carrying such a heavy secret. She went through each day with no one guessing what she knew. And she worked so hard to make Max's life as bearable as she could. With her weather reports and her visits, and the reading and writing. Such an amazing story.

AndreAnna said...

So yay! I finally finished the book. And then cried like a sissy baby. Moving on..

This is a difficult question because I think all of the main character's showed courage in the face of deplorable humanity. I think Hans was incredibly brave, not only for taking on and hiding a Jew, but later giving one bread in the "parade" and then during his LSE deployment.

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