Thursday, March 19, 2009

  Mysterious Benedict Question 3: Rules

Both Mr. Benedict and Mr. Curtain are very fond of rules. Do you think that there is more freedom through the maintenance of rules, or the supposed lack of any at all? Is it possible to have no rules whatsoever, or are there always unspoken rules we must follow?


Chantal said...

I personally think rules are very important. The provide us with boundaries and expectations. Every child that I have seen who has little or no rules/boundaries suffers for it. When we know the rules we are able to make our decisions and go about our business. In the absence of rules there is just no way of knowing when you may do something that might upset the apple cart so you walk on egg shells all the time.

Astarte said...

I think the conundrum about rules is that they are always there, spoken or not. If I were to announce that there were no rules, that in itself is a rule. So, I don't think that there could ever be a situation where there weren't any rules.

I found it interesting that both Mr. Curtain and Mr. Benedict were so enamored with rules, but in reverse ways. Where Benedict used the presence of stated rules to select children and guide them towards a set goal to be rewarded, Curtain used his unstated, hidden rules to eliminate children from his program and punish them at any turn.

In the end, I think that a basic set of rules is a good thing to have, since that way everyone knows where he or she stands.

Kristi said...

I agree with both of you. Yay rules!

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